
Vec is a submodule of AutomotiveDrivingModels that provides several vector types, named after their groups. All types are immutable and are subtypes of 'StaticArrays'' FieldVector, so they can be indexed and used as vectors in many contexts.

  • VecE2 provides an (x,y) type of the Euclidean-2 group.
  • VecE3 provides an (x,y,z) type of the Euclidean-3 group.
  • VecSE2 provides an (x,y,theta) type of the special-Euclidean 2 group.
v = VecE2(0, 1)
v = VecSE2(0,1,0.5)
v = VecE3(0, 1, 2)

Additional geometry types include Quat for quaternions, Line, LineSegment, and Projectile.