Core Types
Planning Predicates
— TypeOBJECT_AT <: AbstractPlanningPredicate
Encodes the location and shape of the object with id o
— TypeBOT_AT <: AbstractPlanningPredicate
Encodes the location of robot with id r
— TypeBOT_COLLECT <: AbstractRobotAction
Encodes the event "robot r
collects object o
from x
— TypeBOT_DEPOSIT <: AbstractRobotAction
Encodes the event "robot r
collects object o
from x
— TypeTEAM_ACTION{R<:AbstractRobotType,A<:AbstractRobotAction{R}}
For collaborative tasks.
— TypeProjectSpec <: AbstractCustomNDiGraph{Union{OBJECT_AT,Operation},AbstractID}
Encodes a set of operations and the prescribed initial and final locations of the objects that form the inputs and outputs of those operations.
- all standard fields of a concrete
type - initialconditions::Dict{ObjectID,OBJECTAT}
- finalconditions::Dict{ObjectID,OBJECTAT}
— TypeProblemSpec{G}
Encodes the the relaxed PC-TAPF problem that ignores collision-avoidance constraints.
- D::T - a distance matrix (or environment) that implements get_distance(D,x1,x2,args...)
- cost_function::F - the optimization objective (default is SumOfMakeSpans)
- Δt_collect::Dict{ObjectID,Int} # duration of COLLECT operations
- Δt_deposit::Dict{ObjectID,Int} # duration of DEPOSIT operations
— TypeScheduleNode{I<:AbstractID,V<:AbstractPlanningPredicate}
The node type of the OperatingSchedule
— TypeOperatingSchedule
Encodes discrete events/activities that need to take place, and the precedence constraints between them. Each ScheduleNode
has a corresponding vertex index and an AbstractID
. An edge from node1 to node2 indicates a precedence constraint between them.
Path Planning
— TypeSearchEnv{C,H,S} <: GraphEnv{State,Action,C}
Contains all of the information needed to fully define PC_TAPF
and related problems.
— TypeEnvState
Reflects the state of the SearchEnv environment at a given time step.
Problem Types
— TypeAbstractPC_MAPF
An abstract type of which all Precedence-Constrained Multi-Agent Path-Finding problems are concrete subtypes.
— TypeAbstractPC_TAPF <: AbstractPC_MAPF
An abstract type of which all Precedence-Constrained Multi-Agent Task Assignment and Path-Finding problems are concrete subtypes.
Precedence-Constrained Multi-Agent Task Assignment and Path-Finding problem.
— TypePC_TA
Precedence-Constrained Multi-Agent Task Assignment problem (no route planning).
A precedence-constrained multi-agent path-finding problem (no task assignment).
A collaborative precedence-constrained multi-agent path-finding problem. All agents have assigned tasks, there are precedence constraints between tasks, and some tasks must be done in teams.
Defines an instance of a Collaborative Precedence-Constrained Multi-Agent Task Assignment and Path-Finding problem, where agents must sometimes transport objects in teams.
Missing docstring for RepeatedAbstractPC_TAPF
. Check Documenter's build log for details.
— TypeRepeatedPC_TAPF{S<:SearchEnv} <: RepeatedAbstractPC_TAPF
Encodes a Repeated PCTAPF problem. Usage: `prob = RepeatedPCTAPF(env::SearchEnv,requests::Vector{ProjectRequest})`
— TypeProjectRequest
Encodes a "request" that arrives in the factory command center. t_request
encodes the time at which the request reaches the command center t_arrival
is the time at which the project materials will be available
TODO more flexibility with t_arrival by allowing different materials to arrive at different times
— TypeReplannerModel
Abstract type. Concrete subtypes currently include DeferUntilCompletion
, ReassignFreeRobots
, MergeAndBalance
, Oracle
, NullReplanner
— TypeReplannerConfig
Stores parameters for configuring an instance of ReplannerModel
. Fields:
- real_time::Bool - if
, adjust solver runtime limits to meet real time operation constraints. - timeout_buffer::Float64 - defines the minimum amount of time that must be for replanning the route
- routeplanningbuffer::Float64 - defines the minimum amount of time that must be allocated for replanning the route
- commit_threshold::Float64 - defines where the ``freeze time'', or the time step from which the solver may change the existing plan.
— TypeDeferUntilCompletion <: ReplannerModel
Allow work to begin on the new project only after all other work is completed.
— TypeReassignFreeRobots <: ReplannerModel
Allow robots to begin working on the new project as soon as they have finished their current assignments.
— TypeMergeAndBalance <: ReplannerModel
Allow replanning from scratch for all assignments and routes except for those that will take place
— TypeConstrainedMergeAndBalance <: ReplannerModel
Identical to MergeAndBalance
, except that the replanning commit time may be pushed farther into the future to limit the total problem size at each replanning stage.
— TypeReplanningProfilerCache
Stores information during replanning
- maintains (non-pruned) overall project schedulestage_ids
- maps id of each node in schedule to stage indexstage_results
- vector of result dictsfeatures
- vector of::FeatureExtractors
to extract after each stagefinal_features
- vector of::FeatureExtractors
to extract after final stage
— TypeFullReplanner{R,S}
Wrapper for a ReplannerModel
and a PC_TAPF
solver, as well as a ReplanningProfilerCache
— TypeReplannerWithBackup{A,B}
Consists of a primary and a backup solver. The backup solver is supposed to be fast–it computes a "fallback" plan in case the primary solver fails to find a good enough solution before time out.
Missing docstring for replan!
. Check Documenter's build log for details.
Task Assignment Solvers
— TypeTaskGraphsMILP
Concrete subtypes of TaskGraphsMILP
define different ways to formulate the sequential assignment portion of a PC-TAPF problem.
— TypeTaskGraphsMILPSolver
Wrapper for MILP solver for assignment problem.
— TypeAssignmentMILP <: TaskGraphsMILP
Used to formulate a MILP where the decision variable is a matrix X
, where X[i,j] = 1
means that robot i
is assigned to delivery task j
. The dimensionality of X
is (N+M) × M, where N is the number of robots and M is the number of delivery tasks. the last M rows of X
correspond to "dummy robots", i.e. the N+jth row corresponds to "the robot that already completed task j". The use of these dummy robot variables allows the sequential assignment problem to be posed as a one-off assignment problem with inter-task constraints.
— TypeSparseAdjacencyMILP <: TaskGraphsMILP
Formulates a MILP where the decision variable is a sparse adjacency matrix X
for the operating schedule graph. If X[i,j] = 1
, there is an edge from node i
to node j
. Experiments have shown that the sparse matrix approach leads to much faster solve times than the dense matrix approach.
— TypeGreedyAssignment{C,M} <: TaskGraphsMILP
GreedyAssignment maintains three sets: The "satisfied set" C
, the "required incoming" set Ai
, and the "available outgoing" set Ao
At each step, the algorithm identifies the nodes v1 ∈ Ai
and v2 ∈ Ao
with shortest "distance" (in the context of OperatingSchedule
s, this distance refers to the duration of v1
if an edge v1 → v2
is added) and adds an edge between them. The distance corresponding to an ineligible edge is set to Inf.
After adding the edge, the algorithm sweeps through a topological ordering of the vertices and updates C
, Ai
, and Ao
. In order for v
to be placed in C
, v
must have enough incoming edges and all of v
's predecessors must already be in C
. In order to be added to Ai
, v
must have less than the required number of incoming edges and all of v
's predecessors must already be in C
. In order for v
to be added to Ao
, v
must have less than the allowable number of outgoing edges, and must be in C
— Functionformulate_milp(milp_model::AbstractAssignmentMILP,sched,problem_spec;kwargs...)
Express the TaskGraphs assignment problem as an AbstractAssignmentMILP
using the JuMP optimization framework.
Inputs: milpmodel::T <: TaskGraphsMILP : a milp model that determines how the sequential task assignment problem is modeled. Current options are AssignmentMILP
, SparseAdjacencyMILP
and GreedyAssignment
. sched::OperatingSchedule : a partial operating schedule, where some or all assignment edges may be missing. problemspec::ProblemSpec : encodes the distance matrix and other information about the problem.
Keyword Args: optimizer
- a JuMP optimizer (e.g., Gurobi.optimizer) cost_model=MakeSpan
- optimization objective, currently either MakeSpan
or SumOfMakeSpans
. Defaults to the costmodel associated with `problemspecOutputs:
model::AssignmentMILP` - an instantiated optimization problem
Route Planners
— TypeAStarSC
Low-level path planner that employs Slack-and-Collision-Aware A*. Fields:
- logger
- replan : if true, planner will replan with an empty conflict table following timeout.
— TypeISPS
Path planner that employs Incremental Slack-Prioritized Search.
Missing docstring for PIBTPlanner
. Check Documenter's build log for details.
Missing docstring for CBSSolver
. Check Documenter's build log for details.
PC_TAPF Solvers
— TypeNBSSolver{A,P}
A hierarchical PC-TAPF solver with an assignment level and a path-planning level. The solver works by alternating between assignment and path-planning until the optimality gap between the lower bound (from task assignment) and the lower bound (from path planning) disappears. The input to the assignment problem is the full PC-TAPF problem specification. The output of the assignment problem is a valid OperatingSchedule
–that is, an operating schedule wherein all assignments have been made in a legal way. The input to the route planner is the PC-TAPF problem spec along with the OperatingSchedule
that comes from the assignment solution.
Profiling Tools
— TypeTaskGraphsProblemLoader{T}
Helper cache for loading problems of type T
— Functionwrite_problem(loader::TaskGraphsProblemLoader,problem_def,prob_path,env_id="")
Write a problem that can later be loaded and solved.
— FunctionCRCBS.load_problem(loader::TaskGraphsProblemLoader,solver_config,prob_path)
Currently only impemented for PCTAPF and PCTA
— FunctionCRCBS.run_profiling(loader::TaskGraphsProblemLoader,solver_config,problem_dir)
Run profiling with a TaskGraphsProblemLoader
— Functionwarmup(loader::TaskGraphsProblemLoader,solver_config,problem_dir,dummy_path = "dummy_path")
Do a small dry run of run_profiling(loader,solver_config,problem_dir)
to ensure that all code is fully compiled before collecting results.