SatelliteDynamics.jl Documentation

Welcome to the SatelliteDynamics.jl documentation! The package is meant to address the needs of the satellite operator, academic researcher, and public enthusiast communities. In particular, it is designed and built to fill the following needs:

  1. Open-source, MIT-lencesed software to remove barriers to entry of doing high-fidelity satellite modeling.
  2. High-quality, validated, tested library for orbit and attitude dynamics modeling.
  3. Easily acceible API design to make implementation of simulation and analysis intuitive.

Getting Started: Installation And First Steps

To install the package, use the following command inside the Julia REPL:


To load the package, use the command:

using SatelliteDynamics

Package Structure

The package is divided into a number of submodules each designed to provide a single, well-defined set of functions. The details of each specific module can be found on the relevant documentation page.

There are also two subpackages which provide additional functionality in a self-contained manner. These are EarthEnvrionment and Simulation.




The best way to learn how to use any software is to actually see it in action and use it for yourself. A number of tutorials showing how to use the modules provided as part of SatelliteDynamics.jl in your software are included as part of this documentation. You can find the list of tutorials below:


The software in this package was developed as part of academic research. If you would like to help support it, please star the repository as such metrics on usage help guage interest, secure funding, and continue development.

If you use the software as part of your research, teaching, or other activities, we would be grateful if you could cite our work.


Contributions are always welcome! For feature requests, questions, or if a bug is found please create a github issue.