

First, install our Python package. Note that PyroRL requires Python version 3.8:

pip install pyrorl

Basic Usage

Environment Definition

To use our environment, you need to define five parameters:

  • num_rows and num_cols – these two integers define a (num_rows, num_cols) grid world
  • populated_areas – an array of [x, y] coordinates that indicate the location of the populated areas
  • paths – an array of paths. Each path is an array of [x, y] coordinates that indicate each square in a path
  • paths_to_pops – a dictionary that maps paths to which populated areas can use those paths. The keys are integers that represent the index of the path in the paths array. The values are arrays of integers that represent the populated area in the populated_areas array.

Creating Maps

To create a map, you can specify each of the above parameters manually:

num_rows, num_cols = 10, 10
populated_areas = np.array([[1,2],[4,8], [6,4], [8, 7]])
paths = np.array([[[1,0],[1,1]], [[2,2],[3,2],[4,2],[4,1],[4,0]], [[2,9],[2,8],[3,8]], [[5,8],[6,8],[6,9]], [[7,7], [6,7], [6,8], [6,9]], [[8,6], [8,5], [9,5]], [[8,5], [9,5], [7,5],[7,4]]], dtype=object)
paths_to_pops = {0:[[1,2]], 1:[[1,2]], 2: [[4,8]], 3:[[4,8]], 4:[[8, 7]], 5:[[8, 7]], 6:[[6,4]]}

We also provide functionality to generate custom maps programmatically. If you import pyrorl.map_helpers.create_map_info, you can create your own maps by specificying just a few parameters:

# Import map helpers
from pyrorl.map_helpers.create_map_info import (

# Set up parameters
num_rows, num_cols = 20, 20
num_populated_areas = 5

# example of generating map (other parameters are set to their default values)
populated_areas, paths, paths_to_pops = generate_map_info(

If you set the save_map parameter to be True, you can also save the map configuration information to be used at a later time. You can then later load in the information for use:

# showing how to load in the most recent map created for good measure,
# would otherwise just provide the desired map path to load_map_info
# (i.e. only use the last line with load_map_info)
map_info_root = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), MAP_DIRECTORY)
current_map_directory = max(
    key=lambda f: os.path.getctime(os.path.join(map_info_root, f)),
map_info_path = os.path.join(map_info_root, current_map_directory)
num_rows, num_cols, populated_areas, paths, paths_to_pops, num_populated_areas = (

Running the Environment

Using these parameters, you can then define them as kwargs and use gymnasium.make to create the environment:

# Note that additional parameters are listed (i.e. all parameters past paths_to_pops below). 
# These are currently set to their default values but can also be specified by the user.
kwargs = {
        'num_rows': num_rows,
        'num_cols': num_cols,
        'populated_areas': populated_areas,
        'paths': paths,
        'paths_to_pops': paths_to_pops,
        'num_fire_cells': 2,
        'custom_fire_locations': None, # would be a numpy array of locations if specified
        'wind_speed': None, # would be a float if specified
        'wind_angle': None, # would be a float if specified
        'fuel_mean': 8.5,
        'fuel_stdev': 3,
        'fire_propagation_rate': 0.094
env = gymnasium.make('pyrorl/PyroRL-v0', **kwargs)

The wildfire environment has the following action and state/observation space:

  • action_space: [0, number of paths]
  • observation_space: (5, num_rows, num_cols) tensor, where every value in each dimension is between [0, 200]

Now, with all of this information, we can create a loop that samples an action from the action space, takes a step with the action, and renders the environment:

for _ in range(20):

    # Take action and observation
    action = env.action_space.sample()
    observation, reward, terminated, truncated, info = env.step(action)

    # Render environment and print reward
    print("Reward: " + str(reward))

# Generate the gif

Rendering the Environment

Finally, we can see that the function generate_gif allows us to collate all of the visualizations generated by the render function and stitch them together into a GIF:

Example Visualization of PyroRL

Use with Stable Baselines 3

Stable Baselines 3 is a popular library for reinforcement learning algorithms. You can use Stable Baseline algorithms to find optimal policies for the wildfire evacuation problem.

First, install the library:

pip install stable-baselines3

Given that our environment conforms to the gymnasium specification, training a model is no different than with other environments.

# Train a model and delete
model = DQN("MlpPolicy", env, verbose=1)
model.learn(total_timesteps=1000, log_interval=4)
del model

The same is true for using the model during evaluation:

# Load and reset the environment
model = DQN.load("sample_baseline")
obs, info = env.reset()

# Run a simple loop of the environment
for _ in range(10):
    action, _states = model.predict(obs, deterministic=True)
    observation, reward, terminated, truncated, info = env.step(int(action))

    # Render environment and print reward
    print("Reward: " + str(reward))