Bregman Divergences
The EPCA objective is formulated as a Bregman divergence (Bregman, 1967). Bregman divergences are a measure of difference between two points (often probability distributions); however, they are not proper metrics, because they do not always satisfy symmetry and the triangle inequality.
Formally, the Bregman divergence $B_F$ associated with a function $F(\theta)$ is defined as
\[B_F(p \| q) = F(p) - F(q) - \langle f(p), p - q \rangle\]
- $F(\mu)$ is a strictly convex and continuously differentiable function,
- $f(\mu) = \nabla_\mu F(\mu)$ is the gradient of $F$,
- and $\langle \cdot, \cdot \rangle$ denotes an inner product.
Intuitively, the Bregman divergence expresses the difference at $p$ between $F$ and its first-order Taylor expansion about $q$.
Aside: Properties
Bregman divergences vanish $B_F(p \| q) = 0$ if and only if their inputs also vanish $p = q = 0$. They are also always non-negative $B_F(p \| q) \geq 0$ for all $p, q \in \mathrm{domain}(F)$.
While the full EPCA objective is always non-negative, the EPCA
loss may be negative because ExpFamilyPCA.jl
uses transformed objectives that are equivalent but not equal to minimizing a sum of Bregman divergences.
The Exponential Family
The natural exponential family is a broad class of probability distributions that includes many common distributions such as the Gaussian, binomial, Poisson, and gamma distributions. A probability distribution belongs to the exponential family if its probability density function (or mass function for discrete variables) can be expressed in the following canonical form:
\[p_\theta(x) = h(x) \exp(\langle \theta, x \rangle - G(\theta) )\]
- $\theta$ is the natural parameter (also called the canonical parameter) of the distribution,
- $h(x)$ is the base measure, independent of $\theta$,
- and $G(\theta)$ is the log-partition function (also called the cumulant function) defined as:
\[G(\theta) = \log \int h(x) \exp(\langle \theta, x \rangle) \, dx.\]
The log-partition function $G(\theta)$ ensures that the probability distribution integrates (or sums) to $1$.
Key Parameters
- The natural parameter $\theta$ controls the distribution’s shape in its canonical form. For example, the natural parameter for the Poisson distribution is $\log \lambda$.
- The expectation parameter $\mu$ is the expected value of the sufficient statistic,[1] computed as the mean of the data under the distribution. In exponential family distributions, it is related to the natural parameter through the link function $g$:
\[\mu = \mathbb{E}_{\theta}[X] = \nabla_\theta G(\theta) = g(\theta)\]
where $E_\theta$ is the expectation with respect to the distribution $p_\theta$ (see appendix). Similarly, we also have $\theta = f(\mu)$ (see appendix).
Convex Conjugation
The fact that $f$ and $g$ are inverses follows from the stronger claim that $F$ and $G$ are convex conjugates. For a convex function $F$, its convex conjugate (or dual)[2] $F^*$ is
\[F^*(\theta) = \sup_{\mu} [\langle \theta, \mu \rangle - F(\mu)].\]
Convex conjugation is also an involution meaning it inverts itself, so $F^{**} = F$. Conjugation provides a rich structure for converting between natural and expectation parameters and, as we explain in the next section, helps induce multiple useful specifications of the EPCA objective.
Bregman Loss Functions
Bregman divergences are crucial to EPCA, because they are equivalent (up to a constant) to maximum likelihood estimation for the exponential family (Azoury and Warmuth, 2001; Forster and Warmuth, 2002). To see this, consider the negative log-likelihood of such a distribution:
\[-\ell(x; \theta) = G(\theta) - \langle x, \theta \rangle.\]
We want to show that this is equivalent to the Bregman divergence $B_F(x \| \mu)$. From the previous subsection, we know $G$ is the convex conjugate of $F$, so:
\[G(\theta) = \langle \theta, \mu \rangle - F(\mu).\]
Substituting $G$ back into the negative log-likelihood, then yields:
\[\begin{aligned} -\ell(x; \theta) &= (\langle \theta, \mu \rangle - F(\mu)) - \langle x, \theta \rangle \\ &= -F(\mu) - \langle \theta, x - \mu \rangle. \end{aligned}\]
The last line is equivalent to $B_F(x \| \mu)$ up to a constant, meaning we can interpret the Bregman divergence as a loss function that generalizes the maximum likelihood of any exponential family distribution. In the next section, we expand this idea to derive specific constructors for the EPCA objective.
- 1The sufficient statistic for the natural exponential family is simply the identity.
- 2Duality also refers to the concept in convex analysis (Boyd and Vandenberghe, 2004).