Merging Environment

Merging Environment



A road network with a main lane and a merging lane. The geometry can be modified by passing the parameters as keyword arguments in the constructor


  • lane_width::Float64 = 3.0
  • main_lane_vmax::Float64 = 15.0
  • merge_lane_vmax::Float64 = 10.0
  • main_lane_length::Float64 = 100.0
  • main_lane_angle::Float64 = float(pi)/4
  • merge_lane_angle::Float64 = float(pi)/4
  • merge_lane_length::Float64 = 50.0
  • after_merge_length::Float64 = 50.0


  • roadway::Roadway{Float64} contains all the road segment and lane information
  • merge_point::VecSE2{Float64} coordinate of the merge point in cartesian frame (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) by default
  • merge_proj::RoadProjection{Int64, Float64} projection of the merge point on the roadway
  • merge_index::RoadIndex
generate_merging_roadway(lane_width::Float64 = 3.0, main_lane_vmax::Float64 = 20.0, merge_lane_vmax::Float64 = 15.0, main_lane_length::Float64 = 20.0, merge_lane_length::Float64 = 20.0, after_merge_length::Float64 = 20.0, main_lane_angle::Float64 = float(pi)/4, merge_lane_angle::Float64 = float(pi)/4)

Generate a Roadway object representing a merging scenario. The merge point is defined at (0., 0.) by default.


returns the main lane of the merging scenario


returns the merging lane of the merging scenario


Features and Helper functions

get_front_neighbor(env::MergingEnvironment, scene::Scene, egoid::Int64)

returns the front neighbor of egoid in its lane. It returns an object of type NeighborLongitudinalResult

get_neighbors(env::MergingEnvironment, scene::Scene, egoid::Int64)

returns the following neighbors id and relative distance (if they exist) - the front neighbor of vehicle egoid - the vehicle right behind the merge point (if egoid is on the main lane) - the front neighbor of the projection of egoid on the main lane - the rear neighbor of the projection of egoid on the merge lane

dist_to_merge(env::MergingEnvironment, veh::Vehicle)

returns the distance to the merge point.

time_to_merge(env::MergingEnvironment, veh::Vehicle, a::Float64 = 0.0)

return the time to reach the merge point using constant acceleration prediction. If the acceleration, a is not specified, it performs a constant velocity prediction.

find_merge_vehicle(env::MergingEnvironment, scene::Scene)

returns the id of the merging vehicle if there is a vehicle on the merge lane.

constant_acceleration_prediction(env::MergingEnvironment, veh::Vehicle, acc::Float64, time::Float64, v_des::Float64)

returns the state of vehicle veh after time time using a constant acceleration prediction.


  • env::MergingEnvironment the environment
  • veh::Vehicle the initial state of the vehicle
  • acc::Float64 the current acceleration of the vehicle
  • time::Float64 the prediction horizon
  • v_des::Float64 the desired speed of the vehicle (assumes that the vehicle will not exceed that speed)
distance_projection(env::MergingEnvironment, veh::Vehicle)

Performs a projection of veh onto the main lane. It returns the longitudinal position of the projection of veh on the main lane. The projection is computing by conserving the distance to the merge point.

collision_time(env::MergingEnvironment, veh::Vehicle, mergeveh::Vehicle, acc_merge::Float64, acc_min::Float64)

compute the collision time between two vehicles assuming constant acceleration.

braking_distance(v::Float64, t_coll::Float64, acc::Float64)

computes the distance to reach a velocity of 0. at constant acceleration acc in time t_coll with initial velocity v
