Driving on a Straight Roadway

This example demonstrates a simple, one-dimensional driving simulation in which cars drive along a straight roadway. The vehicles are represented using the Entity type with the followin attributes:

  • state - VehicleState, containing the vehicle position and speed
  • def - VehicleDef, containing length, width, and class
  • id - Int, a unique label for each vehicle`

A driving situation with different vehicles at a given time is referred to as a scene. It is represented by the Scene object. A Scene can be thought of as a vector of vehicles. However, in addition to simple vectors it allows to query vehicles by ID using the get_by_id function. We use a straight roadway with 1 lane as the environment.

using AutomotiveSimulator
using AutomotiveVisualization # for rendering

roadway = gen_straight_roadway(1, 2000.0)  # 200m long straight roadway with 1 lane
scene = Scene([
    Entity(VehicleState(VecSE2(10.0,0.0,0.0), roadway, 8.0), VehicleDef(), 1),
    Entity(VehicleState(VecSE2(50.0,0.0,0.0), roadway, 12.5), VehicleDef(), 2),
    Entity(VehicleState(VecSE2(150.0,0.0,0.0), roadway, 6.0), VehicleDef(), 3),

veh_1 = get_by_id(scene, 1) # note that the order of the vehicles in the scene does not necessarily match the id

camera = StaticCamera(position=VecE2(100.0,0.0), zoom=4.75, canvas_height=100)
snapshot = render([roadway, scene], camera=camera)

three cars on road

In this call to the render function, we use the default rendering behavior for entities. More advanced examples will show how the rendering of entities can be customized.

We can add an overlay that displays the car id:

idoverlay = IDOverlay(scene=scene, color=colorant"black", font_size=20, y_off=1.)
snapshot = render([roadway, scene, idoverlay], camera=camera)

three cars with id

To run a simulation we need driving models that produce actions. For this we will use LaneFollowingDrivers that produce LaneFollowingAccels. For this demo, we will give each car a different model.

models = Dict{Int, LaneFollowingDriver}(
    1 => StaticLaneFollowingDriver(0.0), # always produce zero acceleration
    2 => IntelligentDriverModel(v_des=12.0), # default IDM with a desired speed of 12 m/s
    3 => PrincetonDriver(v_des = 10.0), # default Princeton driver with a desired speed of 10m/s

nticks = 100
timestep = 0.1
scenes = simulate(scene, roadway, models, nticks, timestep)

We can visualize the simulation as a sequence of images, for example using the Reel package

using Reel

animation = roll(fps=1.0/timestep, duration=nticks*timestep) do t, dt
    i = Int(floor(t/dt)) + 1
    idoverlay.scene = scenes[i]
    renderables = [roadway, scenes[i], idoverlay]
    render(renderables, camera=camera)

three vehicles animated

In order to inspect the simulation interactively, we can use the Interact package

using Interact
using Blink
using ElectronDisplay
w = Window()
viz = @manipulate for step in 1 : length(scenes)
    renderables = [roadway, scenes[step], IDOverlay(scene=scenes[step], roadway=roadway)]
    render(renderables, camera=camera)
body!(w, viz)

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