Vehicle Track Reading

These functions are responsible for reading vehicle track information from provided csv file into a vector of scenes, a format compatible with AutomotiveSimulator.jl


INTERACTIONTrajdata The trajectory data stored in the original INTERACTION dataset format. The dataset is a csv file with columns: trackid - Int64 - Representing the id of the agent frameid - Int64 - Represents the frames in which the agent appears in the video timestampms - Int64 - represents the time the agent appears in the video. The unit is millisecond agenttype - String - Can be person, car, truck and so on x - Float64 - x position, in meter y - Float64 - y position in meter vx - Float64 - x velocity in m/s vy - Float64 - y velocity in m/s psi_rad - Float64 - yaw angle in radian length - Float64 - Length of the vehicle, in meter width - Float64 - Width of the vehicle, in meter


tdraw = INTERACTIONTrajdata("vehicle_tracks_000.csv");
carsinframe(trajdata::INTERACTIONTrajdata, frame::Int)
  • From the dictionary frame2cars which has frame number as key and all vector of car ids in that frame

as value, this function extracts the value corresponding to key given by frame


# Return array with car ids in frame 1
function read_veh_tracks(;roadway)
  • Reads the vehicle tracks information from ../dataset/vehicle_tracks_000.csv
  • Modernize to stop using ListRecord and Trajdata
  • Just use Vector of Scenes


  • roadway: Used in the vehicle state to create Frenet coords for the vehicle on the provided roadway


road_ext = make_interaction_roadway_with_extensions()
trajdata = read_veh_tracks(roadway=road_ext)

# Then access a certain framenumber from the trajdata by
scene = trajdata[1]