AutoViz Basics

To run these tutorials, you must be using julia 1.1+ and have AutoViz.jl installed.

The core function of the AutoViz.jl package is AutoViz.render()

    camera::Union{Nothing, Camera} = nothing,
    canvas_width::Int64 = (camera === nothing ? DEFAULT_CANVAS_WIDTH : canvas_width(camera)),
    canvas_height::Int64 = (camera === nothing ? DEFAULT_CANVAS_HEIGHT : canvas_height(camera)),
    surface::CairoSurface = CairoSVGSurface(IOBuffer(), canvas_width, canvas_height)

Draw all renderables to a surface of dimensions canvas_width x canvas_height. All renderables must implement the add_renderable! function which adds rendering instructions to the render model.

The provided camera should be updated using the update_camera!() function before calling render. If no camera is provided, the render function will default to fitting all renderable objects to the canvas.


In its simplest form, the render function only takes one argument: an iterable collection of renderable objects, renderables. In order for an object to be renderable, it needs to implement the add_renderable!() function.

By default, the render() function will do its best to make all the contents of the scene fit to the canvas of dimensions canvas_width x canvas_height. More fine-grained control over camera positioning can be achieved by providing the camera keyword. In case a custom camera is used, it is important to call update_camera!(camera, scene) before rendering.

The Cairo surface to be used for plotting can be specified using the surface keyword. The render() function applies the rendering instructions to the surface and returns it. In the tutorials, we will denote the returned surface as a snapshot of the scene. Such snapshots can be saved to file using the command

write("snapshot.svg", snapshot)

Basic rendering

We start our example by rendering an empty roadway

using AutomotiveDrivingModels
using AutoViz

roadway = gen_straight_roadway(3, 100.0)

snapshot = render([roadway], canvas_height=120)

empty roadway

We can change the background color and render again

AutoViz.colortheme["background"] = colorant"white"
snapshot = render([roadway], canvas_height=120)

empty roadway

Let's add some vehicles to the roadway

car_len = 4.8
car_width = 1.8
def = VehicleDef(AgentClass.CAR, car_len, car_width)
scene = Scene(Entity{VehicleState,VehicleDef,Int64}, 4)  # allocate a scene for 4 agents
Scene{AutomotiveDrivingModels.Entity{AutomotiveDrivingModels.VehicleState,AutomotiveDrivingModels.VehicleDef,Int64}}(0 entities)

add three cars

push!.(Ref(scene), [
    Entity(VehicleState(VecSE2(10.0,   w, 0.0), roadway, 4.0 + 2.0randn()), def, 1),
    Entity(VehicleState(VecSE2(40.0, 0.0, 0.0), roadway, 4.0 + 2.0randn()), def, 2),
    Entity(VehicleState(VecSE2(70.0,   w, 0.0), roadway, 4.0 + 2.0randn()), def, 3),
3-element Array{AutomotiveDrivingModels.Scene{AutomotiveDrivingModels.Entity{AutomotiveDrivingModels.VehicleState,AutomotiveDrivingModels.VehicleDef,Int64}},1}:
 Scene{AutomotiveDrivingModels.Entity{AutomotiveDrivingModels.VehicleState,AutomotiveDrivingModels.VehicleDef,Int64}}(3 entities)
 Scene{AutomotiveDrivingModels.Entity{AutomotiveDrivingModels.VehicleState,AutomotiveDrivingModels.VehicleDef,Int64}}(3 entities)
 Scene{AutomotiveDrivingModels.Entity{AutomotiveDrivingModels.VehicleState,AutomotiveDrivingModels.VehicleDef,Int64}}(3 entities)

add a pedestrian

push!(scene, Entity(
    VehicleState(VecSE2(50.0, 2w, -π/2), roadway, 2.0),
    VehicleDef(AgentClass.PEDESTRIAN, 1., 1.),
snapshot = render([roadway, scene], canvas_height=120)

roadway with cars

Vehicle Shapes

The render function provides some defaults for rendering basic building blocks such as entities or roadways. If the value of AutoViz.rendermode is set to :basic, entities are simply rendered as rectangles with arrows indicating their velocities. This can also be done explicitly via

renderables = [
    (EntityRectangle(entity=x) for x in scene)...,
    (VelocityArrow(entity=x) for x in scene)...,
snapshot = render(renderables, canvas_height=120)

roadway basic manual

The result remains the same. The velocity arrows point to the location at which the vehicle would be 1 second in the future.

Setting AutoViz.rendermode to :fancy, the rectangles are replaced by SVG images of cars (or pedestrians).

snapshot = render([roadway, scene], canvas_height=120)

roadway fancy

Which is shorthand for

renderables = [
    roadway, (FancyCar(car=scene[i]) for i in 1:3)..., FancyPedestrian(ped=scene[4])
snapshot = render(renderables, canvas_height=120)

roadway fancy manual

A third visualization mode is available in the form of arrow cars, in which the arrow indicates the heading direction of the car but does not scale with speed.

renderables = [
    (ArrowCar(scene[i]) for i in 1:3)...,
snapshot = render(renderables, canvas_height=120)

roadway arrow

It is also possible to render single vehicles

fancy_car = FancyCar(car=Entity(VehicleState(VecSE2(0.,0.), 0.), VehicleDef(), 1))
snapshot = render([fancy_car], camera=StaticCamera(zoom=100.))

fancy car

Vehicle Colors

By default, the render function generates a random color for each entity based on its ID using the id_to_color() function. However, vehicle colors can also be assigned explicitly:

colors = [colorant"red", colorant"blue", colorant"green"]
renderables = [
    (FancyCar(car=scene[i], color=colors[i]) for i in 1:3)...,
    FancyPedestrian(ped=scene[4], color=colorant"yellow")
snapshot = render(renderables, canvas_height=120)

cars with custom colors

Custom Renderable Objects

using Colors

struct MyRenderableCircle

function AutoViz.add_renderable!(rendermodel::RenderModel, circle::MyRenderableCircle)
    # add the desired render instructions to the rendermodel
        rendermodel, AutoViz.render_circle,
        (circle.pos.x, circle.pos.y, circle.radius, circle.color),
    return rendermodel

circles = [MyRenderableCircle(VecE2(4i,3.0*(1+sin(i/4))), .5+rand(), rand(RGB)) for i in 1:20]
snapshot = render([roadway, circles..., scene], canvas_height=120)

custom circles

Simulation and Animations

We can simulate the scenario over time and visualize the results using Reel (based on ffmpeg).

using Reel

timestep = 0.1
nticks = 50

models = Dict((i => Tim2DDriver() for i in 1:3))  # car models
models[42] = Tim2DDriver()  # TODO: better pedestrian model

scenes = simulate(scene, roadway, models, nticks, timestep)

animation = roll(fps=1.0/timestep, duration=nticks*timestep) do t, dt
    i = Int(floor(t/dt)) + 1
    render([roadway, scenes[i]], canvas_height=120)

animated roadway

Alternatively, the scene can also be visualized interactively using Interact

Another common visualization package is Reactive.

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